sábado, 28 de março de 2009

Caixa coração

Uma caixinha em formato de coração para você imprimir!

fonte: http://blackpio.com/index.php?f=showp&id=1818

Calendário de mesa

Este é bem legal!

fonte: http://blackpio.com/index.php?f=showp&id=1815

Caixinha para presente

Olha que lindinha! Se souber editar imagens, pode-se acrescentar outros detalhes.

fonte: http://blackpio.com/index.php?f=job&id=116

Apliques em feltro - signos

Acho que fica legal para fazer umas blusas e chaveiros.

fonte: http://delgrande.blogspot.com/search/label/Artesanato%20em%20feltro

Aplique em feltro

Adorei esta blusa! Os apliques em relevo são presos com alfinetes.

fonte: http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2644/1811/1600/tshirt%20flores%20primavera.jpg

Lembrancinhas para meninas

Que lindas bolsinhas!
fonte: http://lucianamurta.wordpress.com/2009/01/

sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2009

Ovos em tecido

Achei lindos não só para a páscoa, mas para enfeitar a cozinha o ano todo.
E tem tutorial!

Fabric Easter Egg Tutorial


10"w x 5"h Quilting cotton, linen or other non-stretchy woven fabric in one or more prints
Fiberfill, Nature-fill or other similar polyester or natural stuffing
Disappearing Ink Pen
Hand sewing needle
Pattern (I recommend printing it on card stock for easy tracing)

Seam allowances are 1/4"

1. Cut out the pieces. Place pattern piece perpendicular to the fabric selvedge, trace the pattern with disappearing ink (see photo below) and cut four pieces from desired fabric prints. You may cut multiple pieces simultaneously from the same print by folding the fabric over one or more times, cutting up to 4 pieces at once. (Tip: If you're using a scrap and don't know which way the selvedge is, test which direction the fabric is stretchiest. The fabric is stretchier going perpendicular to the selvedge, and less stretchy going parallel with the selvedge; you want the stretch going from top to bottom of the egg, not side to side, so your egg doesn't get too "fat" when you stuff it. Hopefully that makes sense.)

2. Place pieces together for sewing. Always keeping track of which end is "up", place 2 fabric pieces, right sides together, pinning if desired. Do the same with the remaining two pieces. Transfer the two dots from the pattern to the fabric pieces on top. If using two different fabrics, make sure both pairs have one of each print and that the same print is on the top of both sets.

3. Sew a seam along the right side of one set of egg pieces, from top dot to bottom dot, backstitching at the top and bottom. Do the same with the second set of pieces.

4. Put the two halves together. Turn one set of egg pieces right side out, and place inside the other set of egg pieces, so that right sides are together on the inside.

fonte: http://retro-mama.blogspot.com/2009/03/easter-is-in-air.html